August Update from the UCPID Executive Director

Greetings to the University Crossing community! July was a busy month in our area, and as such, there are some updates I would like to share:

To begin, as many of you may have seen, construction of the University Crossing Bridge ("Bridge") is entering an exciting phase. In July, the City of Dallas ("City") installed the frames that will support the Bridge across Mockingbird Lane. Additionally, in the first few days of August, the City installed a pedestrian and bike bridge across the DART rail line, just north of Twin Sixties St. This smaller bridge will help connect our area to White Rock Lake, by allowing bicyclists to cross the DART rail line safely. As the City progresses with construction of the Bridge, across Mockingbird Lane, we anticipate additional lane closures. To that end, the City and the University Crossing Public Improvement District ("UCPID") will continue to stay in close contact, regarding the status of construction. Therefore, for up-to-date information, related to Bridge construction, lane closures, or to view the time lapse photos of the construction, you can visit our website at:

Additionally, at the request of the UCPID, the City has begun installation of chain link fencing under the Greenville Ave. and Matilda Ave. bridges, just north of Mockingbird Lane. The purpose of this fencing is to help secure these areas from homeless encampments, which have "sprung up" in these areas from time to time. The UCPID appreciates the City's efforts, related to these improvements, and we look forward to working with City on additional improvements, in the coming months.

Also, as noted last month, the UCPID is partnering with the City of Dallas, Park & Recreation Department ("Park & Rec") on installation of pedestrian lighting along the portion of the Katy Trail extension that runs through our community. Over the next few months, the UCPID and Park & Rec. will develop a funding program, which will be used to install the light fixtures along this portion of the Katy Trail. The UCPID will provide updates as this program progresses.

Speaking of programming, I want to encourage you to take part in some of the UCPID's ongoing programs. For example, with our Music on Mockingbird program, the UCPID sponsors live music every Friday at Mockingbird Station. We also encourage you to take advantage of our Lunch & Learn program, where a Dallas Police officer can visit your place of business and offer "Best Practices" related to calling 911, motor vehicle safety, and more. If you are interested in scheduling a Lunch & Learn at your property, please contact us at the email below.

Finally, I want to acknowledge the management of Mockingbird Station for commissioning a fantastic new public mural on their property! Recently, a mural was painted on the stairway, leading from Mockingbird Station to the Angelika Movie Theater. This new mural is a great piece of public art, for our entire community to enjoy, and I encourage to visit it when you have the opportunity.

As always, if you have any suggestions or would like more information about one of the programs described above, please email us at:

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to your continued feedback.

Patrick Sanders 

UCPID Executive Director