A note from the Patrick Sanders, University Crossing PID Executive Director:
As the weather cooled down, November and December ramped up!
Did you know that it's been one year since the Mockingbird Pedestrian Bridge was opened to the public. We love reflecting on how so many people have enjoyed the bridge. We also like to note the improvement in pedestrian safety since the bridge's opening.
To assist our community and ensure maintenance on the bridge remains current, the University Crossing Public Improvement District ("UCPID") maintains close contacts with the City of Dallas ("City"). To that end, please contact us if you have any suggestions on how to improve the Bridge' experience, particularly as it relates to maintenance and security.
As noted last month, the UCPID Board of Directors approved funding of a Design Plan, for installation of pedestrian lighting along the portion of the trail that runs through our community. With the advent of our "Kick-Off" meeting, in September, the Design Plan is now underway, and we hope to have it completed in early 2019. The UCPID will provide updates to the community as this project proceeds.
We have exciting news about the pedestrian and bike trail in University Crossing! The pedestrian trail, running through our community, is now designated the University Crossing Trail ("UCT"). For reference, the UCT runs from Glencoe Park in the south, to SMU Blvd. in the north, and Skillman St. to the east. Also, to reflect the name change, the UCPID has replaced the trail markers along the trail. The trail markers now read "UCT". Furthermore, the UCPID is currently developing additional amenities for the UCT, and we hope to provide you with an update in the near future.
Additionally, I encourage you to take part in some of the UCPID's ongoing programs. We would love you to join us for Music on Mockingbird. The UCPID, SMU Meadows School and Mockingbird Station sponsor live music every Saturday evening, at 6pm, at Mockingbird Station near the Angelika Theater.
We also encourage you to take advantage of our Lunch & Learn program, where a Dallas Police officer will visit your place of business and offer "Best Practices" related to calling 911, motor vehicle safety, and more. If you are interested in scheduling a Lunch & Learn at your property, please contact us at the email below. Furthermore, to supplement our Lunch & Learn program, the UCPID has developed a Resource Guide, which is free to the community. We designed the guide to provide "Helpful Hints" related to such topics as: When to Call 911, Crime Watch Tips, Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety, and how to obtain a Criminal Trespass Affidavit. If you would like a copy of the Resource Guide, please let us know.
Finally, I encourage you to use the bike share program developed by Mockingbird Station and the UCPID. These bikes are free for the first three (3) hours of riding, and if you return the bike to any station in this network, before the three (3) hours is up, the clock will reset. Stations are located near: 1) the Highland Hotel (along the trial); 2) Mockingbird Station; 3) 6060 Building; 4) the Shelby (near Twisted Root); and the Meadows Building. For more information about where the stations are located and how to use these bikes, you can visit our landing page at: http://bike.zagster.com/mockingbirducpid/.
Thank you for your support, and if you have any suggestions on how to improve our community, I welcome your input.
Patrick Sanders
UCPID Executive Director